Aqueous 2021
The West Virginia Watercolor Society's National Juried Exhibition, Aqueous 2021, was held at Stifel Fine Arts Center, 1330 National Road, Wheeling, from July 15 - September 4.Juror for Aqueous 2021 was Bill Vrscak, AWS.
The exhibition's opening reception and awards presentation was held on July 15, 2021, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
About the Juror
Bill Vrscak is a free-lance artist/illustrator and signature member of the American Watercolor Society. He is a realist painter whose work reflects a strong sense of freshness and simplicity, consistent with his attitude that “the simplest statements make the most impact”. A frequent national award winner, his work is widely published. Bill studied painting and design at the Ivy School of Art in Pittsburgh. After 18 years in the advertising business, he went his own way to paint and teach. Besides doing illustration and commission work, he currently teaches workshops and seminars throughout the United States as well as Canada. You can visit his website at: www.billvrscak.com
Aqueous 2021 Award Winners
Use the arrows at right and left to scroll through the winners.
Judge's Comments
Of all the activities involved with being an artist serving as a juror is the one that carries the heaviest responsibility with it. Although it can be an arduous task I rarely turn it down because it’s such an honor and a privilege to be asked.
My procedure: When working at home I take the time to run through the entire show several times to get a general idea of the overall level of expressive intensity. Then I will begin studying each image individually looking for those aesthetic qualities that raise it above the level of just being a picture. Interesting concepts, originality, unpredictability. Something that stops me and makes me want to go back and look again. Then the design and composition. How well has the artist organized the visual elements in order to make a strong, clear statement. And technique. How confidently has the artist used the medium to reinforce that intended visual statement. It's a process that takes viewing these images over several days. I want to give each entry the careful, thoughtful consideration the artist deserves.
In judging awards, a level of subjectivity will invariably enter the process. Paintings that speak to me beyond the requirements of good design and technique that those paintings already exhibit. There were more of those than can be covered by awards alone.
My congratulations to all of the exhibiting artists and a heartfelt thanks to Linda Elmer and the West Virginia Watercolor Society for allowing me the honor of serving as your Juror. I am proud to have been part of it.
Bill Vrscak, AWS
Aqueous 2021 Online Exhibition
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Aqueous 2021 National Juried Exhibition
Bill Vrscak, AWS, Juror
July 15, 2021 - Sept. 4, 2021
Stifel Fine Arts Center, Wheeling
Donna Barlup, Mechanicsburg, PA - Taking a Break
Donna Barlup, Mechanicsburg, PA - An Aperitif with a Friend
Jeanne Brenneman, Lewisburg - When the Day Comes
Karen Brown, Buckhannon - Lunch
Karen Brown, Buckhannon - Who? What? Where?
Marshall Carolus, Alexandria, VA - Concentration
Karen Catlett, Glen Dale - Memories in Watercolor
Dennis Clarke, Martinsburg - Middle Ground
Connie Clutter, Washington, PA - Solitude
John Coffey, Princeton - Late December
Karen Cohen, Frankford - Old Friends
Katherine Crim, Clarksburg - Summer Solace
Linda Elmer, Fairmont - Valley Falls Through the Trees
Deanna Gillum, Buckhannon - Night Crop
George Gow, Richmond, KY - A Bird's Concept of the Landscape
Nishita Jain, Columbia, MD - Welcoming Winter
Nishita Jain, Columbia, MD - Winter Blues
Ardythe Jolliff, Edgewater, MD - Sea Sculptures in Glass
Gina Judy, Richmond, OH - Maggie and Max Making Tracks
Nancy Kautz, Harpers Ferry - Aspen's Embrace
William Koch, Dennison, OH - A Mid-Night's Stroll
Rick Kowalewski, Silver Spring - MD, Mystic Draw
Chris Krupinski, Maineville - OH, Blue and Gold
Chris Krupinski, Maineville - OH, November - Early Evening
Brooklyn Lilly, Princeton - A Long Day's Work
Anni Matsick, Boalsburg, PA - Welcome In
Anni Matsick, Boalsburg, PA - Out There
Jane C. Michael, Morgantown - The Factory Worker - Morning Break
Karen Norman, Silver Spring, MD - Pointers
Sandra Pealer, South Paris, ME - Moonlit Lake
Sandra Pealer, South Paris, ME - Frosty Morning
Sue Pitsch, Stephens City, VA - Golden Morning
Lisa Rasmussen, Pittsburgh, PA - Singin' the Blues
Julie Read, Winchester, VA - A Jumble of Destruction
Christine Rhodes, Parkersburg - Earth Mother
Janet Rodriguez, Wheeling - Sunflowers III
Renee Rotundo, Maineville, OH - Card Night
Kathleen Snoderly, Morgantown - Pensive in Muskoka
Patricia Stine, Renick - Fiddlin'
Patricia Stine, Renick - Gotcha
Jyotsna Umesh, Chantilly, VA - The Peaceful Mountains
Jan van Egmond, Charleston - Sloan
Becky Williams, Buckhannon - A Mother's Love
Voon Wong, Sioux Falls, SD - The Storekeepers