Jury for Status
WVWS Associate and Juried members are invited to apply for either Juried or Signature status in the society. Applications for a change in status open annually for a few months each year.
The next opportunity to apply will be in late spring or early summer 2025.
But first, a refresher on WVWS member classifications:
WVWS Membership Classifications
The West Virginia Watercolor Society has four classifications of membership in addition to Charter and Honorary Membership.
Associate Members:
All individuals wishing to be associated with the West Virginia Watercolor Society who have applied for Associate membership and been accepted into the Society through payment of dues. Associate Members are entitled to receive all of the WVWS general membership communications, including the Newsletter, and may take part in all WVWS sponsored activities such as workshops and exhibits. Associate members may vote, serve on committees, and be elected to office in the Society.
Juried Members:
Members who have been granted the privilege of Juried Status by the Society’s Membership. To earn Juried Membership status, an Associate Member must submit six painting images for review by the Jury Committee. Candidates selected for Juried Membership consideration may be requested to submit three or more original works for final admission judging if a determination cannot be finalized after the initial Jury review. Juried Membership status becomes official upon notification of acceptance by the Jury from the committee chairman.
Signature Members:
Juried members who have been granted the privilege of using the West Virginia Watercolor Society Initials (WVWS) in conjunction with their signatures by the Jury Committee after completing requirements as set forth in the By-laws. These include submitting four paintings for review by the Jury Committee that have not previously been shown in WVWS exhibitions, as well as providing documentation that the juried member has had work accepted in two juried WVWS shows [WVWS now calls its juried shows "Aqueous" exhibitions} within the last six years. Signature Status may also be granted to any watercolor artist who is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, or whose work has been accepted in any AWS, NWS, or Watercolor USA exhibit.
Patron Members:
Those individuals whose financial contribution to the Society, for awards or other purposes meant to further the objectives of the Society as defined by the Executive Board, equals or exceeds one hundred dollars ($100) in any calendar year. Patron Members receive the WVWS Newsletter and membership list.
Applications for 2024 are closed. Deadline was July 15, 2024.
Watch for instructions for the 2025 Application.
2024 Jury Application Instructions
Calendar for 2024
July 15, 2024 – images and forms received by Kristen Colebank for preparation for the jury committee (if sending application by mail, send early to ensure receipt by this deadline).
Approximately Oct. 1, 2024 – Member is notified of results; president, membership chair, webmaster and newsletter editor are notified of results.
General Guidelines
Paintings must be created by using a water-based media in an aqueous manner on paper or board.
Work created in a workshop or classroom or with direction from any instructor is not allowed.
All pieces submitted to the jury committee must be the artist’s own original creation.
Paintings created from photo images must be of the artist’s original sources (photos taken by and property of the entering artist). Sources must not be from copyrighted materials including internet sources or appropriated/copied from other art.
In mixed media pieces, water media must be dominant.
Digital images of paintings should be saved as .jpgs.
File names of digital images should be formatted as PaintingTitle_widthXheight.jpg (example SunnyDay_15x22.jpg).
Digital images should be an accurate depiction and not enhanced.
All images should be correctly oriented (not upside down or sideways) devoid of dead space, frames or mats. Cropping the digital image to the edge of the painting is the best presentation.
Application procedure using online forms
Fill out the appropriate online forms (depending on whether you are applying for Juried or Signature status) and submit. The online application forms can be accessed from the links below.
Once Kristen has received your application, she will contact you by email to coordinate image submission. Do not send Kristen emails with images attached unless she asks you to do so. Check that your image file names match up with the painting titles you submit on the image list. You should keep a copy of the image list for your reference.
Application procedure using paper forms
Fill out the appropriate printable forms (depending on whether you are applying for Juried or Signature status), and send application by mail addressed to Kristen Colebank at P.O. Box 66, Wardensville, WV 26851, or by email to kcolebank@waitesrunstudios.com.
Once Kristen has received your application, she will contact you by email to coordinate image submission. Do not send Kristen emails with images attached unless she asks you to do so. Check that your image file names match up with the painting titles you submit on the image list. You should keep a copy of the image list for your reference.